Climate Change – Support CARBON FREE AUSTIN BY 2030
On Thursday
August 10th, Austinites can have a powerful impact on climate
change. 70% of carbon emissions are
generated in cities. Barriers exist at other levels of government, but CITIES
can choose to support a clean, just, and affordable energy future—dozens of
American cities have already committed to carbon-free goals. Save this date, and come and let our City
Council know that we want strong energy justice and equity goals, great jobs,
and an energy plan that puts our utility
on a path to be 100% carbon-free by 2030.
Thurs. AUGUST 10, 6 PM – RALLY
To ensure Austin is a leader on
climate justice, we want Austin to adopt a plan that retires all our dirty fossil fuel plants, and expands
renewable energy, local solar, energy efficiency and energy storage goals to
put the utility on a path to be 100% carbon-free by 2030. The plan should also
make local solar more accessible to low-income residents and renters to improve
equity and provide much needed bill relief.
What you can do right now:
Call your council member (512-974-2000) and Mayor Adler
(512-978-2100), then send an email to the entire city council at
Visit the Facebook event page: People's Hearing for Carbon-Free
Austin (please share
and invite Facebook friends). Hashtag:
WEAR GREEN on August 10th, come to
the rally at 6:00, and then let's fill the City Hall Council
chamber to let them know we want a carbon-free Austin by 2030.
- Austin should adopt the goal that Austin Energy will use only 100% carbon-free electricity by 2030. Let’s set interim goals that are strong enough so that we will be on track to be carbon-free by 2030.
- A goal of 75% renewables by 2027 would show commitment to a carbon-free by 2030 future.
- Retire all of our dirty coal and gas-burning fossil fuel plants. Retire the Decker Creek Gas Plant by 2020, and the Sand Hill gas plant no later than 2030.
- Increase our local solar, energy efficiency, storage, and demand-response goals, and plan to support the introduction of electric vehicles and prepare to use them as a resource.
- Make local clean energy more accessible for low-income and working class people.
- Create a rooftop solar program that requires no upfront investment from customers, like San Antonio’s Solar Host program.
- Implement a fractional billing program so that solar benefits will be more accessible to renters.
- Increase energy efficiency programs such as weatherization. These programs have a high paypack.
- Calculate affordability limitations according to bill impact to recognize that when programs lower the amount of energy used, bills are lower and customers save. An energy burden analysis would factor in ability to pay by considering income data.