Monday, April 13, 2020

Climate Education Class - Planetary Boundaries and Donut Economics

WildEarth Climate Action Team's (WCAT's) Climate Education classes have been exploring the theme of post-growth or degrowth economic theory and climate change—or really, the broader concern of a just and sustainable future.

OUR NEXT CLASS will be online on Wednesday April 29 at 8:30  - 10 a.m.
       "Donut Economics and Planetary Boundaries" 

Here's a link to the 2-minute dramatic video that we will use as an introduction. Jason Hickel, "Our Addiction to Economic Growth is Killing Us."

Next:  this TEDx talk on planetary boundaries and donut economics.   Kate Raworth, author of Donut Economics, explains how economies should thrive, not grow.

Here's the link to the talk if anyone wants to watch on their own:
(Class was held as two 40-minute ZOOM meetings with a 5 minute break in between.)

For further reading: 
     Here's a good Jason Hickel article. It looks at capitalism as always seeking to destroy "the commons" and create scarcity.  A degrowth economic theory can create abundance.

    This Kate Raworth article succinctly explains Donut Economics:  "Meet the Donut: The New Economic Model that Could Help End Inequality."

Also, if you missed the April 8 class which was our first one on "degrowth," check the recap on the April 8 post just below. It includes the link to the first Jason Hickle video we watched.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

First Climate Education class in Cyberspace

WildEarth Climate Action Team (a.k.a. WCAT) held it's first virtual Climate Education Class this morning.

We shared this video: “The Paris Climate Target and the Post-Growth Imperative,”  (20 mins).
 The speaker, Dr. Jason Hickel, challenged the idea that we have to make climate adaptation fit within the growth-based model of economic theory. He explores the concepts of a post-growth economy and "degrowth".

If you’d like to watch it, here’s the YouTube link:
Dr. Jason Hickel, who teaches at the University of London, is author of The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions.

Next virtual class: Tuesday, 4/21, 12 -1:30.  There will be a new post with Zoom link info.