"Ideas Worth Contemplating" is an adult religious education program at Wildflower Church. The series uses inspiring and thought-provoking TED Talks to generate discussion about important topics to help broaden our understanding of the world and deepen relationships among participants. The video portion is brief, allowing ample time for participants to discuss the ideas. It meets:
1st and 3rd Sundays, 9 - 10 a.m., on ZOOM
The climate team has begun partnering with this program (fairly regularly) on 3rd Sundays to present a climate-focused TED talk, and as is customary, the greater portion of the time is for discussion. The next one is:
AUGUST 9th (3rd Sunday), 9 - 10 a.m., on ZOOM
TOPIC: “Climate Justice
Can’t Happen Without Racial Justice.”
Here is the link to the TED talk, if you would like to watch ahead of time.
For deeper-divers, here are a
couple companion articles:
a) Unequal Impact:
The Deep Links Between Racism and Climate Change https://e360.yale.edu/features/unequal-impact-the-deep-links-between-inequality-and-climate-change
b) Op-Ed: American
Environmentalism’s Racist Roots Have Shaped Global Thinking About Conservation
The ZOOM link for Ideas Worth Contemplating may be found in the Weekly Newsletter of Wildflower Church, or you may request it from wildearth@wildflowerchurch.org