Saturday, August 17, 2019

8/18 Climate Education Class and World Futures Class

WildEarthClimate Action Team  presents:
                   Adult  Climate Education Class 
9:30-10:45 am, SUNDAY Morning 8/18, in the Faith Parlor 
 (across from the Sanctuary),  Wildflower Church, 1314 E. Oltorf

“Permian Peril, Ranchers to the Rescue, and War Stories”
·        Permian Peril – 95% of all species perished in the End-Permian extinction 250 million years ago. What can this teach us about global heating today?  And what does it have to do with the massive carbon reserves of Texas’ Permian Basin?
·        Ranchers to the Rescue – one or two upbeat video clips to lighten up after the above.
·        War Stories  -if we have time, report on Austin’s Extinction Rebellion rebels’ disruption of ALEC’s national conference (a.k.a. organized corporate corruption and environmental attack). If we run out of time, we can go chat at Starbucks, as we usually do anyway, until services begin at 11:30.
ALSO ON SUNDAY:   Mike Ignatowski’s World Futures We Need class tonight in the Community Room, 6:30-8:30.  Topic: All you wanted to know about nuclear war but were too afraid to ask. 
General Description:  This is the most interesting and important time to be alive in the history of the human race!  Mike Ignatowski works in the hi-tech industry and has given many lectures on emerging technology and social trends. Starting this fall, he will host an educational  and provocative series of monthly meetings at Wildflower exploring many interesting issues related to the future of our society.  Sample topics will include: "Big History and Big Future", technology and unemployment, the evolution of increased cooperation, growth and sustainability, our moral instincts, and the implications of artificial intelligence and synthetic biology. The meeting format will include a presentation followed by a group discussion.   The meetings are intended to be very educational, so there is no need for prior knowledge or preparation for any of these meetings  (Whenever Mike’s class gets postponed a week from it’s 2nd-Sunday pattern, we get a two-fer: Climate Education and World Futures on the same day!)

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