Thursday, August 8, 2019

Actions against ALEC this week

This week provides opportunies to learn about, and then act on, the fact that one of the most harmful organizations on the planet meets in Austin on August 14, 15, and 16th. 


Tuesday, August 13, 6:30-8:30, Wildflower Community Room, 1314 E. Oltorf
Community Against ALEC:  Workshop on ALEC with Know-your-rights training on the Critical Infrastructure law and strategies to push back on ALEC.
This workshop will focus on the harmful activities of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which is dedicated to the corporate take-over of state governments and has a 46-year legacy of contributing to violations of human rights and the environment, particularly affecting People of Color. Included will be a Know-Your-Rights training on the "critical infrastructure" law which has been enacted in Texas to criminalize protest at fossil fuel infrastructure sites and more. Hosted by the Climate Action Team and presented by the Society of Nations, Center for Constitutional Rights, and Extinction Rebellion. Food and light refreshments will be included. 
The event is co-organized by Society of Native Nations, the Center for Constitutional Rights and Extinction Rebellion Austin. For more, see the Facebook event.   

Wednesday, August 14, 4:30-8:30,
Unwelcome Reception: Rally against  "bad-bill-mill" ALEC
 Press conference and rally to expose ALEC, promulgator of model legislation inimicable to just about all of our principles.
Location: We meet at the Southeast corner of 2nd and Congress, facing the JW Marriot which is on the north side of 2nd street.  Parking available at City Hall. (Or take a wonderful city bus!)
Many Wildflowers have worked hard for more-enlightened or less-benighted bills from our state legislature. Our efforts are countered by monied, powerful right-wing influencers. One of the most powerful is ALEC: The American Legislative Exchange Council which promulgates terrible model bills in state legislatures nationwide. Next Wednesday, a coalition of groups and people including Wildflower Climate Action Team members and Extinction Rebellion gather to rally against ALEC at their national convention here in Austin at the J.W. Marriott at 2nd and Congress. We gather across the street to noisily expose ALEC for what it is. For more information, see the Facebook event.  Here is some information from the Facebook event:

The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, is convening in Austin from Aug. 14-16 at the J.W. Marriott for their 46th annual meeting.


ALEC is just another way for corporate interests to control our government.
❌ They take power away from everyday Texans and put it into the hands of the wealthy few.
❌ They’re behind bad legislation like “Stand Your Ground” gun legislation and Voter ID.
❌ They use corporate contributions to sell prepackaged conservative bills that hurt our communities.
❌ They are responsible for getting the "critical infrastructure bill" that makes peaceful protests at pipelines a felony passed in Texas and many other states.

Let’s take back our power! Let's take back our state! Join us for our Unwelcome Reception and Rally! 💪

If you agree that ALEC has no place in Texas, sign our petition:

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