Sunday, April 17, 2016

WildEarth Climate Action Team – Earth-Centered Activities for “Earth Week”

Thursday April 21, 6:30 pm,  in an earth-loving collaboration with Wildflower Earthseeds, we will have potluck, sharing,  learning and ritual at Frances Osborne’s home.  For directions, call Frances or call Susan Lippman at 512-810-0236.
 Saturday April 23, noon to 7pm  - Austin Earth Day Festival Join the WildEarth Climate Action Team for festivities and music (including Daniel Llanes who was a performer at the Austin Climate March, and Asleep at the Wheel) at the Austin Earth Day Festival, at Mueller (Browning Hanger).  Check  for details and transportation/parking tips.  We will host a table with free wildflower seeds, children’s activities, information about religion and climate change, and “Top 5” handouts on most-effective ways to take action on climate change.
Sunday, April 24th , 8am  - We will gather in a prayer circle at a beautiful high spot in Blunn Creek Nature Preserve. Meet near the crest of the hill on St. Edwards Dr. between I-35 and University (call Susan or check the blogspot). 
Sunday, April 24th , 9;30 am   Watch for a climate-focused topic on this Sunday’s Food for Thought.
 Sunday, April 24th , 11:30  - Our service will focus on celebrating our beautiful Earth and considering what Earth needs from us.
 Sunday, April 24th , 12:45  - With guidance from Frances and the Earthseeds, we will also create a short ceremony outdoors that day, under the Pecan tree after service at 12:45.  

For more information, call or text Susan Lippman at 512-810-0236 (even at the last moment), or Fred Peterson at 512-300-1903.