Monday, May 27, 2019

STOP the Permian Highway Pipeline!

WHAT YOU CAN DO on May 28th to support the fight against the Permian Highway Pipeline through the Hill Country: Landowners represented by TREAD ask for folks to fill the Courtroom tomorrow, (TUESDAY), 9 a.m., 10th & Guadalupe, as they ask for an injunction against Kinder Morgan and the Railroad Commission to stop taking land for the pipeline until their lawsuit about eminent domain process is heard. This is Texas, and property owners rights get short shrift when a giant like Kinder Morgan wants your land for a giant pipeline.
(from TREAD Coalition:)   The first hearing for our lawsuit against Kinder Morgan and the Texas Railroad Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, May 28. The hearing will be open to the public, so please feel free to attend if you are able. Please review the rules of decorum and be prepared to act accordingly.
Judge Livingston will be reviewing and deciding on three things:
1) Ordering Kinder Morgan to temporarily stop any further takings
TREAD is asking the court for a temporary injunction to order Kinder Morgan to cease eminent domain proceedings along the PHP route until the trial is over.
2) Kinder Morgan's attempt to end the lawsuit
Kinder Morgan has filed a motion for summary judgment asking the Court to dismiss the lawsuit claiming that the constitution does not require the Texas Railroad Commission to implement a routing approval process. Our attorneys filed our official response to KM’s motion on May 21.
3) Railroad Commission Motion To Dismiss
The RRC has filed a plea to the jurisdiction arguing the district court should dismiss the lawsuit because it does not have jurisdiction, which is a standard procedure by the State in response to lawsuits of this nature.
We appreciate your ongoing support and hope that you can join us for this important date.
- Sean
TREAD Coalition
Date, Time, & Location
Tuesday, May 28 @ 9 a.m. with possibility of returning the following day, May 29 @ 9 a.m. if more time is needed.
The Honorable Lora Livingston
261st Civil District Court
Travis County Courthouse, 3rd Floor
1000 Guadalupe St.
Austin, TX 78701

Courtroom Rules of Decorum
We ask that people dress in a way that is respectful of the gravity of the proceedings – jackets and ties for men are not necessary, but don’t hurt.
Everyone must remain quiet during the proceedings and should refrain from outbursts, applause, jeers, chewing gum, eating, drinking, using cell phones, etc.
TREAD Coalition
100 Commons Rd. STE 7-310 | Dripping Springs, Texas 78620
(512)523-5565 |

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Climate Education Class for Sunday, 5/19/19 -- Resources, Links, & Notes

Topic: The landmark U.N. report on biodiversity.

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Global Assessment. Chair, Sir Robert Watson.  Full report to be released later this year.
IPBES global report: Species extinction rate is accelerating  --  According to a United Nations report, up to 1 million animal and plant species are on the verge of extinction. Nature’s current rate of decline is unparalleled, the report says, and the accelerating rate of extinctions “means grave impacts on people around the world are now likely.”   Washington Post , 5-6-19

12-page Media Release: (Excellent and readable.)
Overview, Washington Post:  “One Million Species Face Extinction, U.N. Report Says. And Humans Will Suffer as a Result.”
  “What Losing One Million Species Means for the Planet—And Humanity”
Summary for Policymakers of the Global Assessment Report (39 pages), released Monday, 5-6-19, is available along with media resources at

Some points from the above sources:
·        Of an estimated 8 million plant and animal species (including 5.5 million insect species), 1 million are threatened with extinction, many within the coming decades.
·        The rate of loss is accelerating.
·        The main drivers are:  1) changes in land and sea use   2) direct exploitation of organisms; (3) climate change (4) pollution  (5) invasive and alien species
·        Transformative changes will  be needed to restore and protect nature.
·        Expect opposition from vested interests.
·        Every species has a function in the ecosystem and are key to all the other species in the system.
·        This can lead to a cascade effect in the food web.
·        The loss of ecosystem services that nature provides is absolutely necessary for our own survival: not just food, but also oxygen.