Wednesday, September 30, 2020

October 9 Climate Education: "Kiss the Ground" discussion

 “Kiss the Ground” is a new documentary that began streaming on Netflix on September 22.

  The regenerative-agriculture movement of farmers and ranchers is excited about the release of this movie. The documentary will show how regenerating the world’s soils can completely and rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies.  

Please watch  Kiss the Ground on Netflix anytime before our meeting time at 7:30 on September 22, then we'll gather to discuss our thoughts and reactions.   (And also discuss what the team would like to do next.)

Time: Oct 9, 2020, 7:30 - 9 PM
ZOOM Link: 
Phone connection:  1 346 248 7799 
Meeting ID: 263 570 0913   Passcode: 202500

Climate Education on Sept. 25th: Animal Agriculture and Climate Change.

  Animal Agriculture and Climate Change:
   On September 25th, Climate Team member Rebecca Allen presented about animal agriculture’s contribution and solution to global warming, diversity loss, nitrogen imbalance and climate change.  

Here are references that supported our discussion. (To visit these links, please copy, then paste into your browser.)

-A video about wildlife populations.

-Here is an article in Nature Eat less meat: UN climate-change report calls for change to human diet

-Short video of James Hansen stating what the single best thing we can do to help stop climate change.

-James Hansen explains:  Faustian bargain and global dimming:
      -Here is a newer article on much the same topic, also on Climate Code Red website, dated 2018: